Ministering in a complex world is challenging. We see this increasingly in our relationships, our communities and nations. How can we follow the model of Jesus and lead in a way that crosses divides, navigates disagreement and points to God’s gift of reconciliation for the world?

Reconciliation was the focus of this plenary session at the Lambeth Conference. The session recording of this day features the full session.


The Revd Cathrine Ngangira
Canterbury, England
Sheran Harper
Worldwide President, Mothers’ Union
The Most Revd Carlos Matsinhe
Primate of IAMA
The Rt Revd Te Kitohi Pikaahu
Chair of the Anglican Indigenous Network, Te Pihopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau, ANZP
The Rt Revd Pradeep Samantaroy
Amritsar, Church of North India (United)