In a diverse world, how can we participate more fully in the mission of God through our engagement with other religious traditions? This plenary asked, as Christian disciples, how can we witness faithfully to Jesus Christ, build bridges and work with others for the common good, and deepen our own Christian roots through our encounters with religious diversity?

Inter Faith was the focus of this plenary session at the Lambeth Conference. The session recording of this day features the full session.


The Revd Dr Richard Sudworth
Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury
The Rt Revd Danald Jute
Kuching, South East Asia, Chair of the Inter Faith Commission
The Rt Revd Guli Francis-Dehqani
Chelmsford, England
The Most Revd Samy Fawzy
Primate of Alexandria
The Rt Revd Joseph Wandera
Mumias, Kenya
The Most Revd Linda Nicholls
Primate of Canada
The Revd Lily Samantaroy
spouse, North India (United)